Quantum Healing Workshop

Quantum healing from spring 2019

Practice and body oriented workshop to increase the energy, to more joy of life and consciousness.

Diploma: Certified Quantum Practitioner since 2017
The training took place with Dr. med. rer. nat. Michael King, Germany.

Dr. Michael King, b. 1957, is quantum physicist and bestselling author. He has spent almost 30 years researching the connection between mind and matter. From 1987 to 2004 he directed a private research institute and acquired patents in the field of complementary medicine.

As one of the pioneers of the new physics and the paradigm shift, he is a sought after speaker and lecturer at international congresses, at universities and in documentary films. For 25 years he also organizes spiritual workshops at home and abroad.

What can you imagine as a quantum practitioner?
A quantum practitioner helps people who are interested in methods of self-awareness, self-healing, and consciousness development.

Dr. Michael König describes it as follows:
The topic of quantum healing finds great interest in many people. The mode of action of methods of self-experience, self-healing, development of consciousness and spiritual transformation can be placed on a scientific foundation with the findings of modern biophysics and quantum physics:
Vitality, zest for life and awareness are directly related to the quantity and quality of biophotons (light quanta in biological organisms), in our body. The higher the concentration and the order of radiant light in our body, the better the life and the healthier we are. But how do we achieve these desirable goals?

Body, soul, spirit form a unity. The us of Dr. Michael King mediated and easy for all, to learn methods and exercises mobilize the deep happiness potential of this unit. They help us to perceive, know and love ourselves and others more intensively. Through the use of the exercises, we turn on our inner Biophotonenlampen, so to speak, to flood all the rooms and niches of our soul house with warmth and radiant light!

In his new book, "The Quantum Temple", which is equipped with numerous illustrations, Michael König provides a sound understanding of the application and mode of operation with a high level of expertise. These include breathing techniques, meridian exercises and meditation techniques.

Another very recommendable book on the subject (also available on DVD) is Michael König's book: "The Urwort", The Physics of God.

If you would like to know more about fascinating quantum physics, I recommend you. Michael König's website:

Also very recommendable is the website of Dr. med. S. Andreas and Christina Diemer:

I am very inspired by the well-known quantum physicist Dr. Joe Dispenza.
In October 2018 I completed the seminar in Basel on "Becoming Supernatural".
His website: drjoedispenza.de / com

Last but not least, I do not want to miss it. Ulrich Warnke to mention. He is a renowned German biophysicist who studied biology, geography and education. The internet contains a wealth of information, YouTube films and his books.
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