Distance healing & remote treatment

Distant healing
remote treatment

We all need healing at some point in our lives. Whether for our heart, body or spirit. For themselves, this is not always so easy to accomplish and just as little in the close family or circle of friends. Here the healer or the healer can support you.

Healers existed at all times and in all cultures.
The duration of a distance healing depends on the particular situation and the personal need of the patient.

Distance healing works by sending universal love energy. To do this, I associate myself with the cosmos and the highest vibrating divine energy.

Ask me for a distance healing for a relative or a friend, (also pets respond well to healings), please always ask for permission, (unless it is a toddler or pet, of course).

You are welcome to send me a photo of yourself or the person concerned by e-mail. It is helpful if I know your full name and date of birth.

Consultations and meetings by phone, by Skype or in writing
All conversations, consultations, card reading, healing sessions, etc. can also be done via Skype, by phone and also in writing.
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