Readings & Channelings

Readings /

Messages from the spiritual world
What is a Reading?
The term comes from English and means, depending on the context: a reading or interpretation, in fact it means reading the aura. The exact translation in our sense is a session.

What awaits you at a Reading?
My readings help you with life questions and important decisions.

In difficult life stages, sections and / or life crises of all kinds, be it a relationship clarification or a reorientation, helps a competent, loving support as an accompaniment to the path again clearly before the person concerned.

Together we search for solutions so that joy and confidence return to life.

Such a reading session will help with all life issues or crises, such as health, partnership and relationship issues, work and / or financial difficulties.

Read aura and morphic field
Basically, each one of us can see and read the aura. Many people already do this without being aware of it. But to really see the aura, it takes a lot of practice. A large part of the sighting takes place via the third eye (forehead chakra), which is located exactly in the middle of the forehead.

Our reality consists of fields in which every imaginable reality is stored. One can learn to gain access to these fields and then be able to read them. It is, so to speak, the use of this source in the form of our intuition. Better known as "gut feeling" (English: gut-feeling).

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What is channeling?
Channel: English = channel
In a channeling it is possible to let love, light, comfort and peace flow through you.
The term channeling is used when a medium / healer opens his / her mind to higher vibrations in order to come into contact with beings from "heavenly" dimensions of existence, from the spiritual world.
These creatures may be Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Nature Spirits or beloved deceased humans, but also acquaintances.
So there are many spirits from the higher spheres who have the desire to communicate with a particular medium, to deliver messages or to provide assistance.
Thus, channeling could also be described as a kind of art of spiritual healing in which the medium receives healing and love in order to transfer it to its clients. This is done by the power of the Spirit.

Book online session
"Guardian angels transform heavenly light into your soul and into your heart,
to comfort, support and accompany you. Your whole life. "
Mignon Alaia
Weiterführende Gedanken
In meiner Wirkungsweise als Geistheilerin und Medium ist es für mich ganz besonders wichtig, in meine Arbeit das göttliche Bewusstsein mit einfliessen zu lassen. 

Für mich persönlich hat dies nichts mit Religion zu tun, obwohl ich aus einer christlich-spirituell-denkenden und fühlenden Familie stamme, was mir meine Lebensberufung sehr erleichtert hat. Seitdem ich ein junges Mädchen war, interessiere ich mich auch sehr für fremde Kulturen. (Siehe mein erstes Buch: "Souverän rund um die Welt)".

Bereits als Jugendliche besuchte ich in Zürich regelmässig Vorträge über den Kadampa Buddhismus. Bei Interesse nachzulesen z.B. unter Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. So nahm ich auch an Meditationen teil, tauschte mich oft mit Gleichgesinnten aus, las (und lese) immer mal wieder in der Bibel, der Bhagavad Gita, der Tora und im Koran. Es interessierte mich immer schon, was- und wie andere Menschen denken.

Vor allem aber beschäftigte ich mich bereits seit Kindesalter mit Metaphysik, da mich die Sichtweisen meiner Eltern schon früh fasziniert und geprägt haben. 

Metaphysik ist die philosophische Disziplin oder Lehre, die das "hinter der sinnlich erfahrbaren, natürlichen Welt liegende", die letzten Gründe und Zusammenhänge des Seins behandelt.

Die göttlich universelle Liebe, mein Glaube an Engel, Geistwesen und Geistführer, (die jedem von uns seit Geburt an unentwegt beistehen), ermöglicht mir die wundervolle und tief berührende und erfüllende Zusammenarbeit mit der geistigen Welt.

Sehr inspiriert wurde ich in meinem Leben auch durch östliche Lehren und deren zahlreiche Weisheitslehrer, wie z.B. Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi oder Osho und andere. Aber auch die Schriften der sogenannten "Neugeist-Bewegung", (New Thought), faszinieren mich nach wie vor.

Unten stehend einige Namen unter vielen anderen, in der Reihenfolge meiner persönlichen Priorität: Joel S. Goldsmith, Ernest Holmes, Ralph Waldo Trine, Marie Baker Eddie und Florence Scovel Shinn.

Heilung erlangen bedeutet nicht, dass ein Problem oder eine Krankheit nie existiert haben, sondern dass sie nicht länger unser Leben kontrollieren.
Spiritual healing is found in most cultures and extraordinary healings that are rationally unexplainable existed at all times. Especially in shamanism, but also in Christianity and other religions one finds traditions that seem to contradict our current laws.

Whether in the Indians, the Phillipinos, the Africans or in the South American countries, in every culture there were and are healers, shamans, medicine men or prophets.

Their most important task was and still is to make people afraid of illnesses so that they feel better. As numerous as the healers of the world are, just as numerous are their effects and methods.

Healing and healing promotes the expansion of consciousness; for the patient as well as for the healer himself.

To bring about a lasting healing It is of the utmost importance not only to eliminate the symptoms at the physical level, but also to learn the so-called "life lessons" that underlie almost every illness or problem.

Otherwise, it can easily happen that the old suffering shows again or manifest a new and show new problems. A disease that manifests itself in life can therefore be regarded as a last resort if, on the spiritual level of being, a theme in life has not been addressed or solved.

Already Paracelsus conveyed the view that a disease affects not only the physical level, but also the mental one.

He saw man as a microcosm, a "little world-in-the-world," and this world is connected to the great whole, the universe, or the macrocosm.

In a quote he said the following:
"Nature is so noble that it gives every disease its remedy for protection against all coincidences."
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